Eoin Black

At the bright young age of nine years old, Eoin played his first-ever video game: Fallout 3. Should he have been playing it? No, but this reckless parenting inspired a love of single-player RPGs that has stuck with him throughout his gaming career. Despite investing serious time into Esports, Eoin always found himself returning to narrative-driven games, vowing to one day make it as a narrative designer himself. In the meantime, he has written for numerous gaming outlets on countless topics and titles. Outside of gaming, Eoin has a passion for reading and writing. He tells himself that he’ll write a bestseller one day, if he ever dares to actually put pen to paper.

Piper Fallout 4 Guide

Piper Fallout 4 Guide

Intro Fallout 4 has a pretty wide and diverse cast of followers. With so many on offer, someone has to fill the role of being a basic introductory companion for the player. Enter Piper. Despite being the fifth companion that the player actually meets, Piper is by far the most accessible of the bunch. That’s

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Nick Valentine Guide

Nick Valentine Guide

Intro Out of Fallout 4’s entire compendium of followers, none are quite as beloved as Nick Valentine is. This warn-down, sarcastic Synth detective is full of cynicism and wit, making him the perfect wasteland companion. Not only is Nick one of the only Fallout 4 followers with a personal quest, but his backstory directly ties

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Deacon Fallout 4 Guide

Deacon Fallout 4 Guide

Intro Fallout 4 changed the game when it came to how Bethesda handled followers. The entire companion system was streamlined, doing away with follower quests and triggers, instead replacing it with an affinity system and companions that directly tie into the main story of the game. This change came with both negatives and positives, but

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